Monday, June 20, 2011

Teaching Philosophy

I believe the role of the teacher in the classroom is to create an environment in which children can learn to think critically. To challenge students on what they know and want to know in order to increase their intellectual capacity. A teacher will not only educate students but also aide to mold well rounded citizens for the community. They should present the world as it exists and correlate it to the curriculum to help bridge the two for students. I became a teacher to provide students with the education I would have liked to have, an education where the teachers are genuine and pride themselves through their students. When teachers are enthusiastic to teach and strive for students to success. Teaching isn’t just a job for me, it’s a lifestyle. I feel that every student deserves the best education and has the right to learn, no matter their advantages or disadvantages.

Students learn in a variety of ways, so shouldn’t teachers teach in that same variety? I agree with this because not every student learns like the one sitting next to them. It is a part of the teachers’ responsibility to build lessons based around their classes learning dynamics. Teachers also need to ensure that every student is provided with the opportunity to learn. I believe that students learn best through different lenses. Using different methods to teach allows students to not only to learn the best way for them, but provides them with a different vantage point to learning. Teachers must also know that students learn at their own rate but enough to matriculate.

A teacher role in a student’s community should be robust. By this I mean that students look to their teachers when the other influential figures are vacant and unaware to them. Teachers often act as the commonality between the student and their support system. They are the link that can tie the classroom to the community and vice versa. The other influential figures need to understand the impact of the role they have in a student’s life. They must provide the same appropriate challenge and support outside the classroom that is found inside. Mostly, they need to know that they too are teachers influencing learning outside the classroom.

Every teacher wants to see their students succeed, as do I. I believe that teachers need to set high expectations for students. Every success should be celebrated; students need to know that we believe in them. A student’s right to learn lies with the teacher inside the classroom, I owe it to my class to prepare and provide them with the best education I can. Education should be embraced and valued by all. As a collaborative assembly, teachers, students, and the community must work together towards the success of each student.

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