Thursday, July 14, 2011

UbD Stage 1: Agricultural Science

Agricultural Science

Integration into Urban Classrooms

Summary of Curricular Context: This learning experience is for elementary teachers in urban districts, specifically Chicago Public Schools. It is a professional development workshop that focuses on how to integrate agricultural science into the core subject areas, mathematics, reading, writing, and social studies. Within each workshop session, teachers will learn how to research the relevance of Illinois’s agriculture to the core subjects. Teachers will need to have prior knowledge of developing learning experiences through Gagne’s 9 events of instruction. They will create their own sample lessons for each subject as a reference to how do it into their classrooms.

Objectives: There are three objectives for this teacher development workshop. Teachers will be able to incorporate agricultural science into each of the core subjects. They will also be able to depict the relevance to Illinois’s agricultural make up. Teachers will have the ability to integrate agricultural science into their urban classrooms.

Lesson Goal: Urban teachers will be able to successfully integrate agricultural science into core subjects such as reading, writing, mathematics, and/or social studies into their classrooms.

Stage 1

Enduring Understandings

  1. What is agriculture?
  2. What is agriculture in relation to Illinois?

Essential Questions

  1. How can agriculture relate to core subjects?
  2. How does agriculture affect urban communities?
  3. Why should this be taught in urban schools?

Knowledge & Skills



  • Different forms of agriculture
  • Know what Illinois agriculture make up is
  • Gagne’s 9 events of instruction

  • Create core lesson with integrated agriculture concepts
  • Implement into urban classrooms


  1. Alexa,
    I like the idea of doing cross curricular work. This is a very important thing to try to do as a teacher. My question is how is this relevant to those in an urban community? It is great to expose urban students to this, but maybe having a spot in your professional development that focuses on teaching the teachers how to show their classes that this is actually relevant to their lives.

  2. Alexa,

    I love the idea of teaching agriculture in an urban setting and doing some cross-curricular teaching never hurt anyone (as much as some teachers may whine). As with any lesson, we must ask ourselves if it is relevant to our students. In this case, will your teachers be required to teach agricultural science in their classes and will it be mandated that this happens in a cross-curricular format? If not, is this a waste of your teachers' time? One more thing, if you want this to be truly cross-curricular (I feel like I may be putting words into your mouth, did you ever claim that this would be a cross-curricular topic?) you might add an objective that addresses teachers working together to develop appropriate curricula.


You Tube Video: Folding paper more than 7 times